3 Reasons Why You Should Always Digitise Business Documents

Close up of a scanner

Now that we find ourselves entering into ‘Lockdown 3.0’, keeping your business as safe and secure as possible is absolutely imperative.

From ensuring employees work sensibly while working from home to investing in the right software, there are a number of things you can do to do exactly that.

One of the key things to think about is digitising your business’ documents, converting them from their physical form into something a lot more accessible – and safer – online.

Join us as we run through a few of the key reasons why.

1. Digital Documents Offer Better Control

Keeping a mixture of paper and digital documents can complicate things when it comes to managing them both.

Good document management is imperative to effective security, after all. So, if you have multiple copies of the same document in different forms, you may lose track of where exactly the documents are being stored.

Therefore, by digitising your business’ paper documents and hard copies, this will make it a whole lot easier to understand where your document is.

2. Digital Documents Can Be Encrypted

While on the topic of cybersecurity, digital documents are much easier to protect than physical versions.

This is largely because, should a criminal gain access to a physical document, they will then have full access to the information it contains.

Digital documentation, on the other hand, prevents this from happening through encryption, making the document impossible to read without an encryption cypher in place.

3. Digital Documents Help Maintain GDPR Compliance

As a business, it’s vital to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and digital documents can help with that.

By having secure digital documents available, this can help keep the personal information of clients, staff, and suppliers secure, meaning you won’t fall foul of the GDPR requirements.

This, in turn, could prevent your business from receiving a serious fine, which is the last thing you’ll want in the current circumstances.

With substantial experience converting physical documents into digital alternatives, we understand better than most just how important keeping your business safe and secure can be. So, for more expert advice on how to improve the cybersecurity at your business, please do not hesitate to contact our team here at Images On-Line.

Hard copy storage with on-demand scanning

Our customer, a large 5 Star hotel in Central London (part of an international chain) with over 150 rooms and various restaurants, bars and leisure facilities in house.  A combination of these facilities generate up to 15 archive boxes per month of various documentation.  These consist of bar receipts, credit card slips, purchase invoices to name just a few.

Space in-house to store these records was becoming critical and Images-On-Line were invited to take a look at the challenge and provide a solution.  Ideally scanning of the records would have been a preferred option, however as the records are infrequently accessed a hybrid solution became the preferred choice.

To summarise we now collect new archival boxes on a regular monthly basis and to accompany these a spreadsheet is forwarded tying the contents of each box to a unique box ref (Barcode).  On the rare occasion (in the region of 2 – 3 times per month) a record is requested the hotel e-mails us with a box ref, together with description of the requested file.  We extract this, scan the relevant file and e-mail a pdf image direct to the hotel.

The accounts team now enjoys the cost effectiveness of hard copy storage knowing they can simply extract a file and have it e-mailed direct to the requester all on the same day.

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